Sunday, July 7, 2019

Emmy's Birth - Time to Push

Here's Jess still loving the effects of the epidural.
 Getting instruction on what was going to happen.

Both doctors and all the nursing staff were truly fantastic.  The woman on the far right was the doctor on for the night shift.

 Some "practice" pushing to get things going.

 A few minutes to relax while they get things set up.

 Sid keeping Jess calm, entertained and confident that she can do it.
 Waiting, waiting, waiting!

 This nurse got the pushing started.
 It wasn't too long into pushing before Jess started saying THE funniest comments ever! Jen and I were trying so hard to not actually laugh out loud.  I will post them sporadically throughout the photos.  Pushing lasted almost two hours and I have plenty of pushing shots so you can all get the feel for how long it was. :)

 At some point the head was visible and the nurse said there wasn't any hair.  Jess and Jen laughed because that is what they predicted.  Well, not much later the nurse changed her mind and said she did have hair and it was brown.  This upset Jess because she wanted the baby to have blonde hair and look like Sid.  She even told the nurse "Shut up!" Jess made some comment about the baby looking like her and being ugly and Sid jumped in to say Jess was beautiful.    Cue sighs of tenderness at how sweet he is to Jess!

The next thing you know Jess is predicting the baby will be born with a mullet. Oh man!  We were just chuckling so hard.
 Meanwhile, Jen is texting some of this to Harriet who replies with her own series of funny remarks.  Harriet said Jess must be high on drugs after reading about the hair color comment, but nope!   Jen added that Sid said it was more sandy blonde, and that she would just trust Sid because Jen wasn't coming out of her corner to look. Ha ha!
 So then Harriet asks why they let so many people in the room.  Jen replies saying it is up to the nurse to decide and this nurse is okay with it.  Then Harriet asks, "Why is the nurse the boss? Is there a real doctor?"   Jen said the nurse was amazing and the doctor would come in at the end and take the credit. :)  To which Harriet replied, "Dumb government system!"

 Then, after just telling the nurse to shut up about the color of the hair, Jess adamantly states "this is annoying" in reference to her pushing not doing as much as she thought it should be. 
 The nurse was patient and both instructed and informed us of what was happening and what still needed to happen.

  Then, after a bit a second nurse stepped in.  Jen called her bad cop and the first nurse was the good cop.  :)   This second nurse took no crap from Jess when she tried to stop pushing too soon.  She was amazing at getting the job done.  
 At about an hour in Jess asks in a fairly calm and matter of fact manner, "How long do I have to push before we look at other options?"  By now I can not even hide my laughter.  The nurses, however, were very professional.  Good cop said, "I think I've had first time moms push for 3 hours."  Bad cop added that she had seen them push for four hours and then ended the discussion by clearly stating that Jess would push until the baby was out.  Simple as that!!

Jen texted that off to which Harriet said, "Sometimes she is a wimp."  Jen told Harriet she was going to wait to share that comment with Jess until it was all over because she didn't want to get punched.  Harriet then replied, "Just tell her to cowboy up, she is in Texas!".
 The whole being afraid of getting punched was no joke either.  At some point Jess reached up and smacked the nurse.  Then, in shock she said, "Oh sorry!  I meant to hit him," and pointed at Sid.

Jess told me that when the doctor came in the next day to check on her she said, "I remember you.  You're the patient that hit my nurse!".  Too funny!

 Check out how curled up the toes are.  The harder she pushed, the more they curled.
 Right in the middle of crying and moaning after a big push, she said in a normal voice, "I'm just so hungry, if I could just eat something it would be fine". 

 Closer to the end of all the pushing Jess blurts out, "I'm so hot, I just want to shave my head!".  At that point the doctor looked over at Sid and mouthed, "Did she really just say she wants to shave her head?"  I don't know how Sid kept a straight face AT ALL! 

Jeff told us about Jessica's birth and that he had left to get a meal at Skippers.  He was outside on the lawn of the hospital eating it when they told him to hurry back in because the baby was coming.  He ran into the room with his red jello and started to eat it in front of Jen.  You can all guess how that went over.  So, Jen decided to sneak a snack while Jess was suffering. 
 Sid seriously needs an award for patience and tolerance of all the things related to the birth and pregnancy.   Look how she is grabbing on to his shirt!

Yes, after all this pushing a baby finally emerged!

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.