Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hay Hauling 1st Crop 2014

I took Wednesday off to drive the hay truck.  Too bad the wind blew so hard Tuesday night that they couldn't bale and Wednesday morning the hay was too dry for the baler. 
We briefly discussed hauling what we had off to Baileys, but decided against it.  That same night, Baileys caught on fire.  Whoosh!  Here is a link to one article on the fire.

So, after hauling only two loads home, we quit for the day.  The rest of the hay was baled late Wednesday night after what tiny bit of dew we had settled and we hauled all day on Thursday.
I don't remember the number of bales, but we hauled 7 total loads off the South Farm and 5 from the home place.   The 2-Ton ran so smooth this year.  I didn't have to worry about it stalling and it shifted smoothly.  Good thing Boyd is such a great mechanic!!

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.