Sunday, July 7, 2019

Emmy's Birth - She's Here!

From last push to baby on belly happened in the fastest split second in history.  I thought I was ready to capture it, but wow! Nope!

What made the delivery a bit more difficult for Jess was that Emmy had her hand up on her cheek. At one point the doctor told Jess that if the baby didn't come out in the next two pushes to be prepared for a nurse to get on her belly and help her push it out. Jess said that alone was the motivation she needed to get the baby out.  And out she came!  There was no deliver the head and then wait a sec to deliver the shoulders and rest of baby.  Baby just came!

There was a flurry of action and people shouting, "Baby girl 9:13" repeatedly.  Not sure the protocol, but I feel like doctor and nurses each took a turn shouting it. Crazy!

I did my best to get some decent shots, but it was hard between the fast action and my position in the room.  Oh well!  I absolutely enjoyed every minute of the long hours leading up to this last split second.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.