Saturday, July 6, 2019

Emmy's Birth - Post Epidural

Attitudes and the mood in the room definitely picked up once the epidural was in place (around midnight).  Credit to all the staff at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center.  Impressive! 

 They rearranged the chair to keep her legs lower for the epidural to have the best effect.  It looked like she was on a throne.

  She had her ice chips and was one happy girl!

 Chapstick was also a must.

 Baby wasn't exactly happy after the epidural so they had her try different positions.  The best for baby was for Jess to lay on her side with a big peanut ball between her legs.

 Finally around 1:00 AM or so it was time to rest up for the big event.

 The doctor came in around 1:40 to break the sac.  When she realized everyone but me was asleep, she decided to come back later instead.
 I really, really, really wanted to play with the equipment on this table. 

 They also had Jess put on the oxygen mask for the sake of the baby.

 The huge peanut shaped ball.

 Nap time would soon be over. 
Get ready for some solid pushing and the funniest ever commentary by none other than the birthing mom herself.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.