Sunday, May 11, 2014

Subdued Saturday

After a three days of work and rain and wind, I hurt.  So, Saturday was really slothful, subdued and I even spent quite a bit of time in the supine position.  Every time I felt guilty, Boyd told me that I deserved a day off and to stop worrying.

So, I actually grabbed my big girl camera and took it on a walk.  A very slow walk.  I think it took me 35 minutes to finish the mile, but I did it at least.

Here are some pics from the day.  The lilac is just starting to bloom.
 Pine cones are starting to bud.

 The iris survived the winter.
 I found Boyd in the shop.  He recently got a new compressor.
 And, he took the two old ones to build one good compressor that works and hopefully will last quite a few more years.
 These are the buds from the wild rose bush.

 It was nice to see some blue sky and clouds, even if they didn't last all day long.
 This tree is sprouting some sucker trees that will soon take over.
 Acres of yet to be planted safflower fields.

 Looking back toward the house.

 Frog pond has been taken over by the ducks, which no longer are found at Duck, No Duck.  Which is going to make our naming scheme obsolete if they don't go back to their appropriately named body of water.
 Here they are flying off of frog pond.

 And this silly dog carried a dog chew bone the whole walk.

 The weeds are dying off well after Boyd sprayed them a few weeks ago.
Yep, we encountered a few puddles along the way.
 Even the water dog walked on the edge instead of right down the middle of the puddle.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.