Monday morning was just that, nice and mellow.
The apple tree blossoms are gorgeous. I should have gone to the trouble of getting my "real" camera, but the phone was handy.

Boyd even took some time in his busy corn planting schedule to stir the compost pile.
If you look closely, you can see a golden retriever in the tall grass.

Again, anyone want some compost? I have more than I can use!

In other news, I went back to work on Wednesday after my excellent post op appointment with the doctor on Tuesday. He said things looked fantastic, my incision was healing beautifully, I was moving amazingly well and they wished all patients were doing as well as I was. When I told him that I had been walking a mile for about 5 days he looked shocked. I reminded him that he was the one who told me I needed to walk that far by my post op appointment and he said, "Yes, but nobody ever does!". He was almost as shocked to hear that I pretty much only took one Percocet per day starting about day 6 post op and I had stopped the Sunday before the appointment. That might seem amazing, but the truth is that I would rather have the pain (although there hasn't been much at all) than the drug induced headache and nausea that I get from the narcotics.
Corn planting has been rain delayed. Yep, for who knows how long. Things around here are MUDDY!
So happy to hear about your progress and that you're back at work. It's muddy here, too, but the lawn is green!!! I love your last few posts--especially all the flowers and blooms!