Saturday, May 31, 2014

Murderous Feind

Or loyal protector??

Jasmin tries her best to keep this farm free of dangerous creatures.
You know, like squirrels, mice, birds and the like.
I am not sure how she catches them, but she does.  The other night she came trotting out of the chicken coop with this in her mouth.
She eats at least one bird a day, sometimes more.   She catches both adult and baby birds.  Mostly by patiently waiting.  And waiting and waiting.
Last night she killed this snake. It was huge.  At least 3 feet long and much thicker than my thumb. 
She just pounced and then shook it like crazy.  It's kind of freaky to watch.  I think that this snake is some sort of Racer snake.  Here is a link.  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I need Jasmin at my house. I was weeding a few weeks ago, saw a snake, and I was done:). Of course the one in my yard was not anywhere near the size of your snake. I'm still working up my courage to go back out to that area to weed. I just don't do snakes--I don't care what kind they are!!!


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.