Friday, May 16, 2014


Yep, that's what you get to pay for a few bags of corn seed.  Gotta love the farm life. 

At least you sometimes get a hamburger out of the transaction.   
Even if you don't tell your wife that she was invited and you get in a truck without telling her where you went and she has to send you a text hours later to track you down.
And, the alleged kidnappers unfortunately bring the husband back.   Then you sit in a room and try to decide what variety of corn to buy.
This year, Boyd made me decide.  I chose wrong because I liked a longer day corn than he wanted to plant. 
And it was very pricey. $$$$
If it turns out it yields well, then we will make a lot of money of the choice.
That is if we get it off in time and it is sufficiently dry.
Which is Boyd's worry.
He also is in a conundrum because if the corn yields well, then I chose correctly.  If it doesn't, then he is right, but we are broke.  See the problem?
And, the best news is, the ground dried out and the corn was planted today.   See the green arm stretched out above?  That is a row marker.
It marks where you are supposed to drive the tractor on the next pass.
We have a 6 row planter.  Only a 6 row planter which Boyd wishes was a 12 row planter.  I think he should just be happy he has A planter.

On the return trip, the other side of the planter drops its arm.

You see those few little white beads in the picture below?  
Yep, that is fertilizer that will cost us much more than the seed itself. 
At least the corn seed is pretty to look at!
And, we have to buy Avipel to stop the birds from eating all the seed. It is that white powder.
Plus, the graphite to keep all the wheels turning easily.

So glad it is in the ground!  Let the countdown to harvest begin.  98 days!

1 comment:

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.