Thursday, May 22, 2014


Boyd was busy discing the fields below the house when, unfortunately, he got stuck. 
The good news?  Once he unhitched the disc and harrow, the tractor drove itself out.

 But, the disc was still stuck!
 And stuck really well!

 So, after a couple of days allowing the soil to dry, Boyd decided it was time to get it out.

Just a random fire I noticed while he was getting everything hooked up.
 Yep, stuck!

And, then you have to put back everything you drug out to start with.

It's hard to see how deep the ruts are after it was pulled out.

But, trust me, they were deep.

Next, came using the backhoe to lift up the disc to hook to the tractor.

And then I had the honor of driving the backhoe up the hill to the house.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.