Saturday, July 21, 2012

John Watkins Home - Midway, Utah

My Aunt Sybil is in town, so after a quick trip to Vernal for some, others of us met up in Midway to revisit the cemetery and the homes that my great, great grandfather built. 
John Watkins came across the plains with the Martin Handcart Company.  He was the bugler for the group and eventually had three wives.  Two of his wives shared this house on the main drive in Midway.  He was a bishop for 17 years and his child is the first person buried in the Midway cemetery.  There is a whole lot more to tell about him and his family, but I am done for now :)

 This home has been under renovation for a very long time.

 The funny thing about this next photo is that I took it by pointing my camera through the broken bottom section of the big windows in the middle front of the house.  I couldn't see in, but after moving the curtains, the camera could.

 Then what do you know!  When I went around the other side, a door was open!  Happy Day!
 An open door means come on in, doesn't it?

 Really old lilac bushes.

 Mr. Coleman

 John Watkins

 Lethe Coleman Tagthe

 Love the headgate.

 And the rock-lined ditch.

 More old landscaping.

 Rock retaining wall.

 Old fence.
 Old ...  nope, I won't go there!

 Sorry about all the yard photos, I was somewhat obsessed with the old bushes and trees.


  1. I just found out that John Watkins is my fourth-great grandpa. Thank you for posting this information, it's very fun to learn more about him.

  2. We drove through Midway today, where my 4th great grandfather, John Watkins settled. I always love to visit. Tonight as I'm doing a little research it was fun to see your post. My heritage is through Harriet Steele. Thanks for your pictures and info.

  3. Was lucky enough to go through this house last week. It was built by my 3rd great grandfather. I have been doing a tour book of Midway and all the places that relate to John Watkins. We are looking forward to seeing it complete in a few months. It is such a beautiful home. I am also through his wife Harriet Steel. The above is my cousin! It was fun to go through your pictures.

  4. I too am a relative of John Watkins through the line of Mary Ann Sawyer. He is my Great Great Grandfather. His youngest daughter, Lily was my great grandmother. Thank you for all the photos of the inside. It was fenced off when we stopped by to take pictures. I look forward to seeing it completed.

  5. My husband, Grant Watkins (now deceased) is the great grandson of John Thomas through Margaret's son, John Thomas Watkins. Our children are extremely pleased to be counted as part of his progeny. What a great heritage John left for all of us!

  6. My husband is also a Watkins. Mary Shaer, John Watkin's daughter wrote a book about John Watkins, but I've never been able to procured a copy for my husband, but I just found someone scanned the book into I've been downloading it's content and formatting it so I can print and bind one for my husband. Anyhow, I have been dying to see it inside of the old house and these are the best pictures I've found so far. Thank you for sharing. The house also makes a special appearance in the first 5 mintues of Midway to Heaven. You can stream it for free on TUBI.

    1. I have the book. John was Mt gtrat great grandfather. 💜📙

  7. P.S. John also did all the interior design work in the houses he built, such as choosing the wall paper.


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.