Saturday, May 31, 2014

Murderous Feind

Or loyal protector??

Jasmin tries her best to keep this farm free of dangerous creatures.
You know, like squirrels, mice, birds and the like.
I am not sure how she catches them, but she does.  The other night she came trotting out of the chicken coop with this in her mouth.
She eats at least one bird a day, sometimes more.   She catches both adult and baby birds.  Mostly by patiently waiting.  And waiting and waiting.
Last night she killed this snake. It was huge.  At least 3 feet long and much thicker than my thumb. 
She just pounced and then shook it like crazy.  It's kind of freaky to watch.  I think that this snake is some sort of Racer snake.  Here is a link.  What do you think?

Friday, May 30, 2014

Memorial Day

Yes, we did celebrate and recognize our loved ones this past weekend.  I'm just slow with the posting.
I love looking over at the Adams' family home and seeing these flags flying proudly.
This is not just the home of a former marine (or is it once a marine always a marine?), but a future marine.
The snowball bloomed just in time for the holiday.
As did the iris.  We took flowers to the graves on Saturday. 
My one and only flower bed is blooming beautifully!
Even though I can't bend too much and weed it, it is doing well!
And, the best part of all...   Boyd made his potato salad and cheese cake.   So good!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Random Farm News

 It's working on looking like summer around here.
Planting is almost finished.  
 The following provided by Boyd.
Always something strange is sent when he is in ShopKo picking up his prescriptions.
 And, this is the view from the corporate lunch room.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Who's the Bully?

Either the cat or the magpies are the bully here. 

I am not sure which it is.  But, they spent a good thirty minutes harassing each other one night.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Boyd was busy discing the fields below the house when, unfortunately, he got stuck. 
The good news?  Once he unhitched the disc and harrow, the tractor drove itself out.

 But, the disc was still stuck!
 And stuck really well!

 So, after a couple of days allowing the soil to dry, Boyd decided it was time to get it out.

Just a random fire I noticed while he was getting everything hooked up.
 Yep, stuck!

And, then you have to put back everything you drug out to start with.

It's hard to see how deep the ruts are after it was pulled out.

But, trust me, they were deep.

Next, came using the backhoe to lift up the disc to hook to the tractor.

And then I had the honor of driving the backhoe up the hill to the house.

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.