Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ghost of Christmas Past or Present?

Yes, we still have our tree up.  It seems that we put it up much later than everyone else and don't take it down until February. 
I started to take it down a week or more ago and Boyd mentioned he wanted it left up.  I only managed to take off the string snowflakes.  Or so I thought.

A few days later I noticed that there were three snowflakes still on the tree.  I figured Boyd had put them back on.  But, nope!  He denies it and I believe him.  So, the question is...
How did the snowflakes get back on the tree?   My vote is that Mary did it.  Mary is Boyd's mom who passed away in 2005.  She also MADE the snowflakes.  I wouldn't put it past her to find a way to put them back on the tree to make her baby boy happy.
It wouldn't be the first strange thing to happen around here and I am certain it won't be the last.
We even use the poinsettia lights every year and most of the decorations are from the 50's and 60's or earlier I bet.
Oddly enough, I have started and finished two puzzles.  Not during the break when it would have made sense, but after I started back to work. 
I finally had to quit because I wasn't getting anything else DONE!
They were fun though!  If it didn't hurt my back so much to sit in the chair for so long, I might try it again.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.