Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2nd

I guess it is good to note that the sun is up just a bit longer each day.  Gives me just a bit of a chance to enjoy the daylight at home.
Boyd is very good at taking my dogs for a walk each afternoon.
And, by the photos you can tell who loves me most.  Yep, my Buddy dog.
Then Jasmine.   If you look carefully in the photo below, you will see who doesn't make any effort at all to run to see me.  I guess I should just be glad he walks the dogs.
Boyd had a busy day today.  The electrician came to get a start on my Christmas present, electricity out to the dogs, goats and chicken coop.
We've got a fuse panel and a few new outlets.  They ran quite a bit of wire here and there.  All of this went on when Boyd should have been getting ready for his doctors appointment with the dermatologist.  He wanted to get checked over for possible skin cancer spots.  They did burn off a few pre-cancerous growths.  Not too bad for a farmer who spends so much time out in the sun and has since he was a little boy.  You know, back in the day when people believed being outside was healthy for a kid. 

Before the break, Boyd was digging a hole to move the power pole for the outside line when he hit the water line.  LOVELY!  A few emergency calls to find a plumber, no water until midnight to let the glue set, and a walk in the early morning hours to turn on the water and check all the faucets and we were good as new.  It really could have been worse.

I had to re-stock the hay in the goat house.  It isn't often you see the goats and the herding dog enjoying the same bale of hay.  I don't know what is growing/died/or living in this bit of hay in front of the stack, but it holds endless fascination for both dogs.
Speaking of hay, each time I feed I chop the hay with the machete and wear the mask because the hay dust is very hard on my lungs. It is hard to tell from the photo, but the mask is black.  I need to get a new one, it certainly helps!

It warmed up enough today to melt a bit of snow and ice. I hope that is just the beginning of the January thaw.

Then I decided to make a heating bag for my back.  Whatever helps right? Notice my straight edge for my cutter?  Yep, a piece of scrap metal.  It works great because it is heavy, doesn't slide around and is long enough to measure across the whole cutting board.
And, there you have it, another day on the Dismal Land and Livestock Company.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.