Saturday, January 11, 2014

Commuter Special

We had a couple of days of ugly commuting this week.
I spent about 30 minutes going 3 miles around Willard Bay. 

This was a glimpse of Boyd moving snow.  I was standing at the goat pen and looking towards the house.
I knew I would have a tough week ahead of me.  I had a late night Primary meeting on Sunday night.  We went grocery shopping on Monday night, which was actually a pretty good night since the store was empty.
Tuesday, we presented to the school board about online schools. I had to get a bunch of stuff ready for that including setting up iPads.  It went great.
The new term starts soon which means getting all the courses ready and writing the lessons I still need.

I came home Friday night to this deliciousness.  Homemade pizza by Boyd. It was perfection!!
Then got a call from Jeff this morning telling me the skies were amazing.  Couldn't agree more.
The weather was even nice enough that the dogs slept outside last night. 

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.