Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4

Came home from work on Friday and Boyd had hauled some of the windows down from the attic.  This is in preparation for getting electricity run through more rooms of the old house.
Sunrise this morning.
It was certainly pretty.
Thanks to the Holmes' family, my goats have a nice Christmas tree treat.
Our electrician showed up and now my sewing room has its' own power!
No more extension cords strung in from the other room.

While doing a bit of re-arranging, I found an interesting book title.
Mothercraft??  Is it anything like witchcraft?  I am pretty sure at times all moms feel like they are raising little devils.

The birds had pecked holes in the top along the roof-line of the old house and make nests.
Then the nest materials fall down into my room below.  Not fun!   Fixing this is not going to be easy!

Somewhere in this picture is a robin.  I don't know if that means an early spring or a lost bird.

What a beautiful day it was today.  No inversion, just clear skies.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.