Friday, January 31, 2014


I am playing around in photoshop. 

So many things I want to learn. 

In this case, I took an old photo from October added a texture and a quote.
What do you think?

Here is the original photo.

Boyd's Brain at Shopko

 Can I have this pretty please?

 Guess where I am?

Need this?

Your dog really needs this!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Boyd's Journey West

Boyd took a mini vacation last week. 

And, instead of bringing me back a lousy T-shirt, I got photo updates as the day went along.  :)

They aren't in the same order as he sent them though.

If I could drive on the railroad tracks...

 Now where am I?
 Sick of my travelogue yet?
 Some of the water where your mom brought us on my birthday one time.
 This is beside the road.  It has a jet engine noise, sounds a little like Yellowstone.
 This is the house that was in the paper.  It is still smoldering.
 Welcome to Stone, Idaho!
 Wish you were here!
 You are out there somewhere?!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ghost of Christmas Past or Present?

Yes, we still have our tree up.  It seems that we put it up much later than everyone else and don't take it down until February. 
I started to take it down a week or more ago and Boyd mentioned he wanted it left up.  I only managed to take off the string snowflakes.  Or so I thought.

A few days later I noticed that there were three snowflakes still on the tree.  I figured Boyd had put them back on.  But, nope!  He denies it and I believe him.  So, the question is...
How did the snowflakes get back on the tree?   My vote is that Mary did it.  Mary is Boyd's mom who passed away in 2005.  She also MADE the snowflakes.  I wouldn't put it past her to find a way to put them back on the tree to make her baby boy happy.
It wouldn't be the first strange thing to happen around here and I am certain it won't be the last.
We even use the poinsettia lights every year and most of the decorations are from the 50's and 60's or earlier I bet.
Oddly enough, I have started and finished two puzzles.  Not during the break when it would have made sense, but after I started back to work. 
I finally had to quit because I wasn't getting anything else DONE!
They were fun though!  If it didn't hurt my back so much to sit in the chair for so long, I might try it again.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jan. 15

Yes, more sunset photos!

And, my drive home.  I'm in the east bound lane trying to get on northbound I-15 with everyone else, while one lucky car is all alone heading west.   From my spot in this photo, I still had three lights to get through before I could enter the freeway.  Hate my commute, but am ever so glad I don't live in a city with real traffic issues.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's Not Fair

We sold our safflower for $.30 a pound or so.   Boyd sent me this photo.
 5 pounds for $8.99.   I gotta figure out how to get in on this deal. 

Blowing Snow

Boyd's message: It doesn't show well, but the blowing snow portion of the program has started.

Guess where I Am!

Yep, never fails to make me wonder.

Commuter Special

We had a couple of days of ugly commuting this week.
I spent about 30 minutes going 3 miles around Willard Bay. 

This was a glimpse of Boyd moving snow.  I was standing at the goat pen and looking towards the house.
I knew I would have a tough week ahead of me.  I had a late night Primary meeting on Sunday night.  We went grocery shopping on Monday night, which was actually a pretty good night since the store was empty.
Tuesday, we presented to the school board about online schools. I had to get a bunch of stuff ready for that including setting up iPads.  It went great.
The new term starts soon which means getting all the courses ready and writing the lessons I still need.

I came home Friday night to this deliciousness.  Homemade pizza by Boyd. It was perfection!!
Then got a call from Jeff this morning telling me the skies were amazing.  Couldn't agree more.
The weather was even nice enough that the dogs slept outside last night. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4

Came home from work on Friday and Boyd had hauled some of the windows down from the attic.  This is in preparation for getting electricity run through more rooms of the old house.
Sunrise this morning.
It was certainly pretty.
Thanks to the Holmes' family, my goats have a nice Christmas tree treat.
Our electrician showed up and now my sewing room has its' own power!
No more extension cords strung in from the other room.

While doing a bit of re-arranging, I found an interesting book title.
Mothercraft??  Is it anything like witchcraft?  I am pretty sure at times all moms feel like they are raising little devils.

The birds had pecked holes in the top along the roof-line of the old house and make nests.
Then the nest materials fall down into my room below.  Not fun!   Fixing this is not going to be easy!

Somewhere in this picture is a robin.  I don't know if that means an early spring or a lost bird.

What a beautiful day it was today.  No inversion, just clear skies.

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.