Friday, November 12, 2010

Another Visitor From the Other Side

Before I married Boyd, he warned me that his house was haunted.  I didn't believe him.  Now that I have lived here for almost four years, I am a believer.  The good news is that the visitors are friendly.   Boyd can fill you in on many more stories than I can, but I have been around for a few first hand, including yesterday's experience.  I got home from school late because of conferences and Boyd was sitting in his chair pointing to the blue kitchen chair cover which was on the floor. 
He then tells me that he left the house around 12:30 PM to plow and didn't come back in until around 4:00 PM.  That's when he discovered the cover off the chair.  He thought about every possible scenario in which he could have accidentally pulled the cover off and not noticed.  Nothing made sense.  We even tried knocking the chair over to see if the cover fell off,  nope!  Crazy as it sounds, the most plausible explanation is a ghost did it.  Many times things are moved from one place to another without explanation.  Tractor parts, wrenches, just about anything has been known to move from upstairs to downstairs. One time Boyd's nephew's partial denture set (his brother shot out his front tooth with a BB gun) showed up on the microwave.  Boyd's mother, Mary, was a dentist and had made sets of front teeth for her grandson.  After she passed away, the grandson broke the set he had and needed a replacement.  I guess Mary was watching out for him, because not long after that the teeth showed up.  Another time I was washing dishes and felt someone brush a hand across my middle. It has never felt scary and this time Boyd is giving credit to his brother, Ford, who passed away just two weeks ago.  Why Ford felt the need to take the chair cover off, I don't know.  Maybe it is a hint to me to finally make the real chair covers as these are just a prototype made with cheap fabric.  I intended to make nice ones, but Boyd always disagrees with my fabric choice.  I am sure Ford wants the flowered wallpaper replaced also.  Every time he came to visit he always asked me when I was going to rip that off the wall.  Too bad he didn't leave a note showing us where to find hidden gold or something else equally useful. That same night my dogs were barking just before midnight.  I went out to check on them, but didn't see or hear anything.  Anybody want to come spend a night at our house?


  1. Ok Boyd, I like the posts and pictures. Good work!
    I am glad I don't need to sleep in that house. That is pretty wild.

  2. That is funny. My name and then anonymous.
    The ghost did it.


Apple Blossoms

 Kind of past their prime, but I was glad I made it out to photograph them.