Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Dogs

Just random shots of what the dogs have been up to lately.

Laddie decided to make a nice "nest" out of the kindling for the fire.  It was way back when the nights were a bit chilly.
 It has been a VERY LONG time since we have even considered building a fire.
 All that heat brought on some serious shedding and a need to groom the dogs frequently.
 Jasmine is the best sport about this.  Laddie basically has to be wrangled and held down.
 The canal at the South Farm.
 Laddie in MY hammock.
 The dogs and I helping Boyd count siphon pits.  Pretty sad when the wife has to ride in the back with the dogs. :)

 Enjoying every moment he gets in the "irrigating" truck.
 They love to come to the South Farm.  The canal is a highlight of the trip, even when filled with moss.

 That Jasmine has a knack for finding all things disgusting and rolling in it.

 And right back to more hammock time. 

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