Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Things That Make You Wonder

Frequently, very frequently I find myself completely baffled at things I discover on the farm.  Often things that literally must happen in the dark of night. Even things I am present for, but wouldn’t expect. 

Take for instance this discovery.  Obviously some sort of altercation happened on top of the dog food can between when I fed the dogs one night and when we returned the next morning. 

So much hair, scuff marks in the dust and a couple of drops of blood???

Look at the poor tires of my Spyder. I let me friends take it for a test drive and we hit a sudden patch of puncture weeds.  We couldn’t get out without going through it.  I hope it is built to withstand the hazards in a field. 

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.