Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Birthday Trip

 For my birthday this year I wanted to go somewhere or do something I've wanted to do, but just never took the time to accomplish.  With COVID, it made sense to stay close to home.

I invited mom and Boyd to join me, but wouldn't tell them what was planned.  I even told them to pack some snacks because I couldn't promise we would stop for food.  Boyd and I always clash when it comes to eating out.  He insists we do it anytime we are out of Box Elder county and I think we don't need to at all. 

The first stop was Browning.  I didn't buy anything, but Boyd got a couple of new shirts and a coat.

We then headed towards East Canyon.  Of course, Boyd and mom didn't know where we were going at all, but even so, we all enjoyed the fun houses and scenic views along the way.


Boyd noticed some pioneer trail markers.  We've actually traveled along other parts of the Oregon Trail route and it's been a fun challenge to find all the markers.  We found some interesting sight along the way. 

We really enjoyed our drive through Henefer.  I hadn't ever been there before, but I would for sure go back.  There was a DUP museum that would be interesting to visit and the town was just quaint.

We then headed for Coalville which was the main purpose of my trip. I did relent and stop for lunch at a place called Denise's. It looks like some random house on the main street.  I told mom and Boyd that it was vegan and they had to eat my kind of food on my birthday. I know they were very relieved when they read the menu and saw hamburgers, etc. If you ever get a chance to eat here, but sure to use the bathroom.  It is definitely one of a kind and worth the walk THROUGH THE MIDDLE of the kitchen to get to it. I had read some Google reviews and the food was as good as reported. The hamburger buns were homemade.

Forever and ever I had promised myself I would go to the cemetery in Coalville so I could find the grave of my grandmother's grandparents. I hoped it wouldn't be hard to find and sure enough, we basically drove right to it.

This is my grandma Blanche's grandmother.  She was the second wife (I think) of Jacob Huffman, a very prominent early settler in the Coalville area.  They actually had a homestead and farm in Upton.

While we were looking at Huffman graves I walked about 4 graves to the north and saw a familiar name.  I didn't think it could be the same person I knew growing up, but sure enough it was.  My grandmother on my mom's side had a sister who married a guy who turns out to be first cousins with my grandmother on my dad's side.  Crazy odds!  Ken Bagnell and Blanche Haslem Wilkins are first cousins as their mothers are sisters.

Ken's first wife.
My grandmother's sister.
My paternal grandmother's grandparents.

The parents of Jacob Huffman's wife, Elizabeth Rebecca.

It was a great trip!  Hopefully next year it's safe to go a bit further from home!


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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.