Monday, June 18, 2018

June News

Every year a pair of robins decides that my rake is the perfect base for a nest.  ??? Every year I carefully move the nest and then spend a month getting dive-bombed every time I need a garden supply.  Finally, babies left the nest, but not until after I spooked them and they took awkward flight right at me. I hope they made it.
 Francine loves to drop and roll right in front of where you are walking.  Sure do enjoy our most recent stray who has chosen to stay.

 Jeff brought over a boat for Boyd to help him problem solve.  I don't even know the problem, but I do think they got it solved.

 Turkey poop, HUGE turkey poop.  Apparently, it is also delicious.  Just ask the dogs.
 Boyd loaded the tractor for me so that I could move some dirt to help my mom with her irrigating.  Took more time to load, drive there and unload the tractor than it did to move the dirt. BUT, I certainly wouldn't have wanted to move the dirt any other way.  Very efficient!

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.