Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Lucky Dogs

The poor dogs had been living under a ripped tent for quite some time.  Finding a tarp the same size as the current one proved to be difficult.  We decided to try a shorter tarp we had on hand because it was past time to deal with the issue.

 This is the view from below.  A very nice sky light, but not at all helpful
 The tarp reached in to the goat pen.  The goats use the bungee cords to scratch between their horns.  Very effective at ripping the tarp also.

 While we were at it, Boyd decided to reinforce the frame with a couple of additional 2x4s.  It is SOOOO much better.  I don't clothesline myself on sagging rope anymore!!!

 The new, shorter tarp.  Should be high enough the goats can't damage it.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.