Monday, October 17, 2016

Field Fire

Many farmers burn off the field stubble, but most don't begin the burn at dusk.  So when a field to the northwest of us began to burn one evening, I was very curious as to the cause.
 As I got to the end of the main road, I could see that it was near where my neighbors pastured their horses.
 And, since I was parked near their house, I could see they weren't home.
 After texting them, they asked me to ride down and see how close the fire was to their horses.
I got close enough to see that it was in the adjacent field, the horses had plenty of acreage between them and the fire.   I could see trucks driving around the fire, so at least someone was aware it was burning.   It made for quite the scene!

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.