Tuesday, October 25, 2016

New Goats

Not sure what came over me, but within 24 hours we had four new goats on the farm.

 So far, so good.  We've had a few hiccups.  Including getting used to Jasmine.  Trigger jumped right in the hammock with me the first time Jasmine surprised him. 

 The two white goats are both boys and 5 months old. They are great weed eaters, but as of yet do not have names. One is easy to catch, the other is practically impossible.
 These two we got in Blackfoot, Idaho.  The front goat that looks just like Sage is a girl named Denali.  The one is back is a boy named Trigger.  Both are about a year and a half old.
 Denali is most definitely the bully of the herd.

These two had never been fed alfalfa.  We are trying to introduce it gradually.

This one is quite the jumper.

 They have even adjusted to Maggy, the tornado.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Sheep on the Move

Once a year, the Jensen family moves their sheep from the summer range above Mantua to the winter range north of Bear River.
First time I have had a chance to get some pictures and see it up close.

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.