Saturday, August 23, 2014

How To Water Corn

 Walk up ditch, get the tubes, walk back down the ditch.
 Repeat repeatedly.
 Make sure the yellow dog stays out of your way.  Teach her to just jump in the ditch so you don't trip on her trying to walk on the narrow bank.
 Don't forget to toss a shovel over your shoulder.

 Check level of water in canal on your way to the field.  Make sure there is just enough water to keep the tubes running, but not so much that you flood over the ditch bank.
 Be glad that the cooler weather got rid of the moss problem for the most part.

 Keep carrying the tubes until you see your fancy, glow in the dark dike marker.
 Drop off a couple of tubes at each cut out/pit.
 Go back for more.
 Once you have moved all of the tubes, it's time to start them.
 Hold on to the fabric end while dunking the open end in the ditch.

 Pull quickly.
 And drop the fabric end lower than the end in the ditch.  Waa laa  siphoning happens!
 Repeat repeatedly.

 Make sure the tubes stay running.

 Check for whirlpools on the ditch end.   Calm water is steady flowing water.
 Smile because at least this change is in the daylight.
 Give your wife a look that says, "I wish you would put down that camera!".

1 comment:

  1. Okay . . . This post looks like lots of hard work and farmer know-how--way complicated. The newer post on the dogs looks like lots of fun!!!


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.