Last night I took the canoe out for the first time in more than two years. Between my surgeries and my job, I haven't made the time.
I just decided that I wanted to. And, that minute was the time to do it.
The dogs helped me get the canoe out of storage. They really did help. I knew there was a good chance that mice or snakes or squirrels or something else might have taken up residence in it over the time it was wrapped in a tarp and I wanted them to save me :)
Lucky for all of us, they only thing we uncovered was stray stalks of straw.
I got the canoe tied, even if haphazardly, on to my tractor and down to the river I went.
Gotta love the high quality photos. It was dark (9:15 or so when I started) and I only had my phone for a camera.

I wish I would have been able to capture what I saw. The stars were out and reflecting off the water, but no moon. The trees were dark silhouettes back lit by the stars. The water was glass, perfectly still. The mosquitoes were only a problem if I turned on the flashlight. Insects were singing and an occasional fish would jump. I thought I might find some birds on the water, maybe a beaver, but no. I was truly the only thing on the water.
I did have to pay attention to the occasional dead limb, but other than that, it was easy sailing.
It was amazing to me how easy it was to forget I was on the disgustingly dirty Bear River. I rowed around the bend until I was almost at the bridge that heads in to Corinne.
I got home just as my husband was returning from his water change.
Cool pictures. They almost look like something in a military movie with night-vision goggles.