Thursday, July 5, 2012

Salt Creek

 Jeff organized a service project out at Salt Creek.   The basic idea was to plant grass and reeds to provide habitat for the waterfowl.   So, they can have lots of babies to shoot in the fall.   Umm, yeah. 
 No really, it was a noble and needed event.  The people were so good to give up a Saturday morning and go help.  At least there are some responsible hunters in the world.  Thanks, Jeff for having the determination to organize these kinds of events.
 I got to ride in this air boat.  It was loud, but fun.

 They had to chop up the dirt clods and section off the plant material, load it on the boats and haul it out to islands.

 The water was really shallow and many boats couldn't move out.
 A poor dead swan.
 Baby avocets.
 An overall view of some of the islands they planted.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.