Friday, September 16, 2011

The Tale of Two Pink Bikes

This post by Jess.  Thanks for getting it to me so soon!

So, my bike ha-ha. Well for my birthday I got this way cute pink beach cruiser bike with a basket and everything. I got it home and everybody took a turn riding it. A couple weeks later Becca and I rode our bikes over to Sunday dinner. That was only my second time riding it. On the way home we had three bikes in the back of the truck and mine was wedged in the middle so the tail gate wouldn’t close. Well we got home and mine was gone. It is maybe a two mile drive and we thought we were watching the back pretty well. So my parents and Bec drove back the exact way we came home looking for it, but couldn’t find it. So my dad and Becca hopped on their bikes and rode along the side of the high way looking in the weeds and anywhere it could have bounced, while my mom called and reported it so that if it came up we could get it back. Still couldn’t find it, so a couple days later a few of my neighbor boys went walking through the canal, leeches and all, looking to see if it fell to the bottom, and still couldn’t find it. So my mom got me another one, the exact same as the last. A couple weeks ago at the fair, the bike got brought up in conversation and Kenny was like, oh yeah, Justin and I saw a pink bike in the back of a sheriff’s truck out in Corinne a couple weeks ago. My mom was like Kenny! Why didn’t you tell me this earlier!? He said that he told Justin to tell her when he got home, but that day Justin had crashed on his motorbike and got a concussion and couldn’t really remember much. Anyway, my mom called the sheriff’s office and they said yeah we have a pink bike that looks like it fell out of the back of a truck. So she went in to pick it up that next Monday and asked why no one had called her back saying that they found a pink bike. The sheriff didn’t know why but said how funny it was that they had so many pictures of officers on the “pink bike”. So now we have two of the exact same bike. There’s only a chunk out of the handle, a little dent on one spot and the pedal is just a little scratched up. 
Jen on the first bike.
 Jess and the second bike at college.

1 comment:

  1. I could use a good pink bike here in VA.
    All the old folks would think that was pretty cool.


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.