Saturday, September 10, 2011


 It's hay cutting time again.

And time to play with exposures on my camera.

 Boyd just goes back and forth.

Hay cutting means this guy will leave his humble abode and go to work.

Jasmine has been busy digging her own set of craters.
 I tossed the dog toy in the hole so you could get an idea of the dimensions and she thought it was time for a game of fetch. 

 Bring on the sunset photos. 

 Yeah, I know, a whole lot of the same thing. 
Earlier this summer, Boyd hauled over 100 bales of straw by himself! 

 Do you think I have an obsession with sunsets?

 Boyd loaded the first round of hay yesterday.  We have sold everything stacked and have buyers wanting more.  The farm market makes me crazy!  Some years we sell it by the bale just to get a buyer and this year we have buyers who want all three crops and every bale we can find for them.  It's maddening!
 Just in case you didn't get enough sunsets earlier.

I just find it fascinating how drastically the sky changes in such a short amount of time.

 So, the rule for the weather is...   no rain for the next seven days!

 What?  Doesn't everyone have a trash can hanging on a fence, angled towards the sun, hoping to dry out the bottom so your dog food doesn't rot?

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.