Sunday, March 27, 2011

Signs of Spring??

 These doves don't seem to be startled by much, including a bounding golden retriever.

 Jen getting a head start to Sunday dinner, which is now just dessert.

 The turkeys are back!!!!    I hope that is a sure sign of spring.  I don't know where they wintered, but Jasmin let me know they were back. She was looking down to the river and barking. 

Not our cat, but Jasmin chased it down yesterday.  The cat is safe, brief standoff is all that happened.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your Spring break. Maybe that will give you some extra time, after taking care of the corn, to post a lot!!!


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.