Saturday, March 19, 2011

South Farm

This is the only orange cone left on the South Farm.
 Does that mean construction is over?  I hope not, because they still need to do a few things they promised. 

 At least the water is draining off the corn, somewhat anyway.
 The big mounds of dirt have been leveled, the fence is GONE!  Including the fence posts that have been standing for seventy plus years.
 Yeah, we still have corn.  Good news, it is still upright.
 This is Gordon.  We met her at a detour on our way to check out the latest and greatest pipe installation by the canal.
 These two had just returned from a training run.   Son in the front and mom (soon to be mom again) behind.
 Very friendly cat with broken tip of the tail.

 And more cats.
 Another view of mom, due in May.

 This farm shouldn't have a mouse problem.
I really would like to have more animals on the farm, but I don't need any more things to take care of.  Besides, I already worry too much about the ones I do have.  Can you imagine how little sleep I would get worrying that a fox, coyote, raccoon, skunk or my very own dogs would get to my fowl?
And contrary to how the light made the face appear, this bovine really isn't green faced (even though I did take the picture on St. Patrick's Day.)

 Yes, two men and a very old tractor.
 Ain't nothin' more interesting than that. 

 The moon over the top of raccoon tree.  Tonight is supposed to be a supermoon (perigee and full moon phase) The neighbors tell us that they have seen eagles in the tree in the past month, not me.  I don't come over here at the right time I guess.

 And the grand finale!!!  Boyd said that he could set up a chair and watch this pipe drain for hours on end.  Hmmm.... really??  I guess that is what I could get him for his birthday (March 23rd).   It really is moving a lot of water out and all the water is coming off the fields, so that IS a very GOOD thing.

1 comment:

  1. I vote for you to get the chair--that way the stress is off trying to come up with a gift idea!


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.