Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Boyd finally got the hay cut.  The swather worked just like new, right honey?  Now, let's cross our fingers that it stays dry and warm until the bales are hauled and stacked!

Jasmine loves to search for mice after the hay is cut.  Yesterday morning she out doing just that when she suddenly started whining and holding her head in a weird position.  She turned one ear to the ground and had the other ear aimed at the sky.   She would shake her head and cry some more.   I looked in her ears, but couldn't see anything.  I am guessing she got stung by a bee.  My husband suggested giving her some Benadryl.  It worked.  She took a nice snooze and after she woke up, she acted much better.  Thank Goodness!   I didn't want to have to make a trip to the vets.


  1. We got our hay cut yesterday. Now if all goes well, we've got a bumper crop having missed all the rain.

  2. We are just finishing the baling as I type. We also hauled three loads tonight.


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.