Thursday, June 24, 2010

Quite a Haul

The hay is stacked.  What a relief!  It took a good portion of Wednesday night and most of Thursday to get it accomplished, but we are finished.   Since one tractor is in the shop, we had to drive back and forth from the south farm to home with both the 2-ton and the tractor. This totally slows down the process.  The worst part was squeezing between the canal and the endless line of semi-trucks hauling material to the construction site at the Bird Refuge.  I hated it!  I am so nervous driving the tractor, but it was the lesser evil.  I certainly didn't want to be driving the truck loaded with hay, besides the tractor has air-conditioning.   Our truck is old, but faithful.  It even caught on fire years ago and has been rebuilt. 
Here's hoping we get the tractor back before the next cutting. 

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.