Sunday, September 9, 2012

Once in Blue Moon

 This is actually the Blue Moon in August.   
 And this is one of the pelicans that comes in on the river just about every night.
 And this is Boyd being the ever helpful husband and hauling some stuff to the river for me.
 This would be the tomato that Jasmine carried in her mouth as she ran behind the truck all the way to the river.   Why she ran?  Why she ran with a tomato in her mouth all the way to the river when I was walking and she could have stayed with me?  No one will ever know.
 And this is the reason we were all at the river, to canoe once in a Blue Moon.
 Haylee somehow remembered that I have a canoe and decided she needed a spin on the river before summer was too far over.
 She called and scheduled a time we could go and canoe we did!
 Jasmine wasn't about to be left out.
 Even if she had to swim up river to get to us.

 We got her in the canoe without tipping over.
 And off we went.

 Buddy refuses to get in the canoe, but tracks us all up and down the river.

With any luck, it won't be the last time I take the canoe out before snow flies.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have been there to see you get in and out.
    Miss all of you.
    Take care and come to VA


Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.