Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Un-Birthday

Every other year but this one, March 23 has been a day to be celebrated.  For whatever reason, we couldn't mention a certain someone's birthday.   We, did however, take a drive to Snowville for dinner.  Just because, you know...
 And, actually had dessert, a delicious peach cobbler.

 And sat directly under this guy.
 Brought these home for breakfast.

 Did not eat the fake butter!!!  Why bother with the butter on the label?
 He ate this much ketchup during the meal.  Good thing Jeff wasn't around, there wouldn't have been enough!
 Got sick of me taking pictures with my iPhone. 
Here's to another 52 years!!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday, Boyd!!! Sounds like a fun BD--peach cobbler, ketchup, and Becca--can't beat that:). I've been through Snowville many times, especially when I was younger. My Grandma and Grandpa Lee lived in Grouse Creek, and we had to pass through Snowville to go to their house.

  2. Happy Birthday to Boyd!! Hope you had a great day!!

  3. Happy Birthday From VA
    Black Sheep

  4. I mean that I am the Black Sheep - Not you!!!!!!


Apple Blossoms

 Kind of past their prime, but I was glad I made it out to photograph them.