Saturday, October 22, 2022

Hagen's Birth - Post #1

 Jen and I flew out to Maryland on July 28th hoping it would be BEFORE the birth.  Apparently Hagen took a page out of Emmy's birth schedule because ultimately he FINALLY decided to arrive two days before I was scheduled to fly home.

Jess really is somewhere behind that big white blob.  They put one of those peanut shaped balls between her legs.

Jess, Emmy, Jen and I kept ourselves entertained and took days trips to some interesting spots around the area. We even got to visit Sybil and Amy and kids.
We didn't ever venture too far because everyone but me was concerned about labor starting and baby coming before we could get to a hospital.
Jess thought she had an induction scheduled, but that didn't work out.

But lucky for all us, especially me, she went into labor on her own.

Good view of the emergency ambulance.

Keeping Harriet updated.

The hospital room was SO LARGE!

Always with the phone...probably a good distraction.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.