Saturday, October 6, 2018

Opening Day - 10_6

Early this morning it began, the sound of gunshots. The "sound of freedom" as my brother-in-law erroneously calls it.  I knew it was coming, yet I was still surprised.  It wasn't even light yet!  Waterfowl season has begun. 
 I can't stop the crazies from killing all the things, but I can offer them our farm as a safe sanctuary. Little by little, that's what our small farm has become.  A place where wildlife is welcomed.  A couple of geese landed nearby and I told them to stay as long as they wanted. :)

 This picture reminds me of the slums of Brasil. Houses about to fall of the edge of a precarious cliff.
 The dogs enjoyed having new smells to sniff.

They both stuck their head in this hole.  Even I peeked in and was glad nothing came flying out at me. 

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.