Saturday, October 20, 2018

Jensen Sheep Fall 2018 Part 1

Every year I look forward to watching the sheep trail through my neighborhood.  I remember when they used to go right past my house in Corinne many many years ago. 

My husband just happened to be coming back home and was surprised to see me sitting in a lawn chair just waiting for the sheep to arrive. 

  He hit the brakes and backed up to talk to me.
I wasn't there long before other cars started arriving, including my mom.  She said she had nothing better to do. :)  She said she might as well hang out with my and join in on my crazy ideas.
 A plane overhead kept me entertained while waiting.

 Then, it was time.  The first sighting of the sheep.
 At first, the sheep looked like they were going to head south instead of making the turn north.
 The crew got them shifted and headed in the right direction.

 Soon enough, they discovered the recently mown hay.

 This lucky guy got to walk where the road was clean.

 Don't worry!  Many more pictures of sheep to follow. :)

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.