Monday, October 29, 2018

Sunsets End Of October

Sunsets from the past three nights.  The photos can't capture how vibrant and colorful they actually were.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

And Then I Found...

Here are some non-animal finds I came across on my search for the sheep.

  This house belonged to Boyd's ancestor. I am going to hope I listened well, but I think it is his grandfather's sister. I know her name was Lucinda P. Jensen and she was one of the first women elected as state representative.

I just love this barn and would make it my house if I could.

Boyd's cousin getting some farm field work done.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

I Also Found...

Besides the sheep, I also found these guys just up the road.

Yes, I wanted to take them home with me, but didn't.
Not so much the cows, I have plenty of them next door to me.
But, then again, these Oreo cows were tempting.

Friday, October 26, 2018

I Found Them!

I have always wondered where the sheep winter after they bring them down off the mountain. The newspaper said they take them to Corinne, but that's crazy.  The sheep don't even come in to Corinne anymore.  Someone should CHECK.THE.FACTS before they send it to print.

Anywhoo...  I decided to follow the poop trail and find the sheep.  Sounds like a simple task, but the roads in my county don't lack for amount and variety of poop. :)

I was successful, however!

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.