Thursday, June 1, 2017

Dog Days of Summer

It has turned hot, seemingly overnight.
 I hope the dogs adjust soon.  Poor Jasmine has an upset stomach. Not sure if it is the heat or if she managed to each leftover corn laced with Avipel.

 This is an all too common sight.  Laddie loves to torment poor Jasmine.  She takes it for as long as she can stand it, then she lets him have it!

 She is fascinated with the birds that fly in and out of this corner of the old house.

 They sure love their Boyd.

 It seems we have a new cat.  Not sure if it is a he or a she. 
 The only thing I know for sure is that this cat is good for training the dogs to give some space.  They went in the straw shed and the cat gave a loud hiss.  Both dogs high-tailed it out of there on the double.
 And Gilligan is making sure to be around at night and early in the morning to get his fair share of attention.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.