Monday, February 20, 2017

Two Sides to Every Story

Snow scenes are beautiful and we have our share of gorgeous views around here.

 But, behind the scenes, we have water where we don't want it.
 Dirty snow pile...
 Mucky, muddy, mess
With a side of goat poop
 So much goat poop

 Ice covered paths
 And more dirty snow piles

 And, the thaw.  Time to dig trenches to save the hay from swimming away.

 Flooding rivers and day after day of inversion leads to bad moods and crappy attitudes.

 And constantly muddy dogs.

 Sitting in the chicken coop looking out on gray skies and a muddy garden.
 The Bear River overflowed its' bank last week.  They had to open up Cutler Dam and send the water our way. 
It didn't flood our house or damage anything, but other people weren't so lucky.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.