Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Perpetual Winter

It feels like winter will never end.  We get a snow storm every day. 
 The temperatures have dropped.  I know one day it will be too hot, but for now I will complain about the cold winds.
 And be grateful for the occasional sunshine in-between the storms.

 The goats get out, but it is limited.  I am sure they wish for greener grass.

 And, these two... they don't get walks around the farm any more because it is all under water.
 One day this will all be a memory and maybe we won't be quite so frustrated with cabin fever!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Geese 2 24 2017

The geese don't mind the additional water everywhere or the snow.

Boyd's Bird Refuge Trip 2 22 2017

Boyd took a quick trip out to see how flooded everything was.  Here is the story in his words.

I went the only day the road was open.  It had been closed for days before and ended up closed again the day after.
I decided to see just how much water was out there.  The road to the Bird Refuge serves a dike.  The water has to go across the road or under.  In the 80's there was a massive flood and ice dams and water ripped off the asphalt and ruined the road.  They have since increased the height of the bridges and created drive thru lower sections of the road.  They close the road at times because the force of the water going over the drive-thru could sweep a car off the road.  There was water running under the bridges so high that it was in inches or touched the bottoms of the bridges.  During the high water  The lake is very low and every diversion structure is open.  There are a large quantity of trees that they have removed from the water so they don't dam up and take out the bridges.  Sadly, the adventurer left his wife home working.

Out in the water in this picture is a fairly new trailer.  It is probably there for the duration unless you have a helicopter to fly it out.  This piece of property just a couple of weeks ago, had cattle grazing on it.  Now, there isn't any part of it out of the water. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Valentine's Day 2017

 Homemade pizza and cheesecake thanks to Boyd!
No photos of that, but some shots of the flooded farm on the 14th.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Play Time

Boyd broke a very ugly bale of 2nd crop.
So he carefully maneuvered it over near the goat pen.
Not only is it tasty, but makes for a great jungle gym.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Two Sides to Every Story

Snow scenes are beautiful and we have our share of gorgeous views around here.

 But, behind the scenes, we have water where we don't want it.
 Dirty snow pile...
 Mucky, muddy, mess
With a side of goat poop
 So much goat poop

 Ice covered paths
 And more dirty snow piles

 And, the thaw.  Time to dig trenches to save the hay from swimming away.

 Flooding rivers and day after day of inversion leads to bad moods and crappy attitudes.

 And constantly muddy dogs.

 Sitting in the chicken coop looking out on gray skies and a muddy garden.
 The Bear River overflowed its' bank last week.  They had to open up Cutler Dam and send the water our way. 
It didn't flood our house or damage anything, but other people weren't so lucky.

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.