Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January Updates

What's been going on around here?

Boyd is selling his hay - ONE BALE AT A TIME!  It's driving him crazy, but we try to be glad that we are selling it at all.  Too much hay in the market = low prices and low demand.

Jasmine has chased after a fox twice now.  Chased after, I suppose, should be applied loosely to the situation.  She sees the fox across the river on Ferrys' land.  She runs like a mad dog barking all the way to the edge of the river.  Continues to bark while the fox seems to not be worried much.

Buddy and the goat, Sage, have come to blows a few times now, literally.  Now that there is only one goat to put all his focus on, things have gotten weird.  The goat likes to be by my side.  Buddy likes to be by my side.  Buddy also likes to control the goat's every move.  The goat has discovered that a quick head butt to Buddy's side or the top of his head, deters him for a few moments.  I seem to spend my outside time walking around with a dog on one side and a goat on the other.
Boyd and I went to Wendy's for dinner one night.  Pretty sure we haven't been to Wendy's in months, possibly a year.   I discovered they have a Black Bean Burger and promptly ordered it.  Of course, Boyd immediately gave me a look of disgust. :)  When we got home, Boyd set out our food and proceeded to eat while I was putting away something in the kitchen.  He took a bite of his burger, made a weird face and simultaneously pulled a piece of lettuce off his hamburger.  I think his exact words were something like, "I don't remember Wendy's burgers tasting this nasty and since when have they started putting dandelion leaves on them?"  Sure enough, the lettuce looked like a spring mix of some sort and could have passed for a dandelion leaf.  I sat down and opened up what was supposed to be the Black Bean burger only to see bacon oozing out of mine.  I broke out laughing so hard!!!  Boyd had mistakenly taken a bite out of my burger, no wonder it didn't taste like beef and had strange lettuce.  When he found out, he was appalled and disgusted and very annoyed at my uncontrollable laughter!  One of those, "you had to be there" moments.  But, I still laugh every time I think about it.
We still have gorgeous sunsets and beautiful views.

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.