Saturday, November 14, 2015

Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands

It took me forever to finish all the Yellowstone adventures on the blog.  Which, in turn, made all the current happenings be past history now.

Let's step back a month to when our adjoining property owners still had cattle on the land.   You remember that there wasn't even a fence between us.  For whatever completely inept, misguided or outright disregard for others' reason, they allowed the cows to roam free.
After having our road pock-marked with huge hoof divets

and finding piles of poo, and even after calling the owners and getting fed an even bigger pile of ___,

Boyd decided that our only option was to build the fence ourselves.
You can see in this picture that there really wasn't a fence still standing.  The pathetic fence that did exist was quickly trompled down by the hungry cattle.
 Never mind that while we were fixing the fence, the property owner came riding his 4-wheeler past us ON OUR PROPERTY. 
Then he stood on his side of the property line and proceeded to talk his way into the biggest hole of lies imaginable, but he didn't once offer to help fence or pay for the materials. 
 Seriously!  Some people!

 And another bit of irony, Boyd bought the materials at the store where the man's wife works and she ended up being the cashier for the purchase.

 Boyd fenced a long stretch across the hay fields, turned the corner heading west and then did another long stretch going south.  I don't know the actual length, but it was daunting.  He didn't even come close to finishing the length of the property, but he got a good start.

 If you look close, you can see Boyd hauling off big limbs from the fence line.
 Boyd tried to use as much of the existing wire and posts that he could.

 Some places had to have all new everything.

 Ours wasn't the only property the cows chose to invade.  One of our neighbors had just redone their lawn only to have the cows trample all over it.  And, I noticed the other day they had painted a bunch of white stripes across their driveway as a faux cattle guard. 
 For now, the cattle have been hauled away from our area.   Pretty sure they will bring them back next year.     To be continued...  unfortunately.

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Cat and Mouse

 Well, it seems that I am feeding the stray cats in the exact location of mice.  :)