Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sawin' Logs

Not the kind of sawing of logs the dogs are doing, nor the kind my husband does when he watches a video on his iPad.

 No, I'm talking about the real kind of log sawing, the kind a wanna be lumberjack would do.

A log big enough for the likes of Paul Bunyan.

A tree limb to be exact, one that Boyd pushed over with his backhoe last fall.
Since I am allowed to work from home most of the week, we needed more wood to keep the stove going in the old house.
And, Boyd needed some exercise I'm told.

 It only took him a few hours a day over a three day period to finish.  Pretty good for someone who will be celebrating another birthday next week.
 The final few logs.
 And lest you think he used a chain saw, no, no, no!  Here's proof!  Just a saw and a pair of gloves.
 And, now we have the wood stacked up high and ready to burn.
 We probably won't need it much more this spring, but my husband, the Eagle Scout, is prepared!

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.