Tuesday, March 31, 2015

End of March

 Pruned a few bushes so mowing would be easier.  Then, actually mowed the lawn!  Didn't happen at all last year.
 Boyd's been busy prepping tractors and servicing lawn mowers for family.
 He LOVES his picture taken and posted on the blog!
 Hydraulic oil purchased in 50 gallon drums.
 Trying to take a break, but the dog is demanding a little attention.
 I took the pictures while lying upside down on the hill.   My favorite thing to do because it decompresses my spine and helps my leg circulation.
Jasmine sure loves him!

Boyd's Phone

Davis County at work.

Doggie Detention

For goodness sake, feed us!

Cute hat, eh?

Regarding cat dormitory

Sunday, March 29, 2015

March iPhone pics

Boyd on his birthday.

Gilligan drooling!

The spoiled rotten princess cat.
The effervescent and mouse eating Jasmine.  It is always good to check for tails hanging out of her mouth before you pet this dog.  The other day she had two tails hanging, but three mice in her mouth.  After wandering around for a good spot to bury them, she opened her mouth and two were still alive and scurried off. 

Buddy, recently recovered from a shoulder injury.  He's back to running off and disobeying, so he must be feeling better.
The view from the back door.  Never gets old!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Sure Sign It's Spring

I know it's Spring when the goats start shedding.
Flora loves to rub against the fence.

She leaves a trail of soft, fluffy hair behind.

All the goats seem to love to rub against this spot on the apple tree.

They have even taken advantage of the log Boyd will be chopping next.

It's pretty obvious Spring has arrived!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fuschia Sunrise

 Sunrise one day a while ago.
 No editing on the photo at all.  Straight out of camera.
 If you think I took time to edit in any fashion, get real!  I am just now getting around to posting the photos.
 I did, however, take some bracketed shots.  I hope to learn to merge them into one image.  You know, since "learn a new skill" was my photo of the week assignment in January.  Fingers crossed I get around to it by April.

 A final panorama view shot with my iPhone.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Sunny Disposition Cats

Okay, so maybe the cats don't so much have a sunny disposition as they simply have a sunny position.

I took these pictures a few weeks ago when it was a bit colder during the day.  These two were so wisely taking advantage of the sun coming in the south window.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sawin' Logs

Not the kind of sawing of logs the dogs are doing, nor the kind my husband does when he watches a video on his iPad.

 No, I'm talking about the real kind of log sawing, the kind a wanna be lumberjack would do.

A log big enough for the likes of Paul Bunyan.

A tree limb to be exact, one that Boyd pushed over with his backhoe last fall.
Since I am allowed to work from home most of the week, we needed more wood to keep the stove going in the old house.
And, Boyd needed some exercise I'm told.

 It only took him a few hours a day over a three day period to finish.  Pretty good for someone who will be celebrating another birthday next week.
 The final few logs.
 And lest you think he used a chain saw, no, no, no!  Here's proof!  Just a saw and a pair of gloves.
 And, now we have the wood stacked up high and ready to burn.
 We probably won't need it much more this spring, but my husband, the Eagle Scout, is prepared!

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.