Thursday, September 18, 2014

Canoe Round 2

I managed to take the canoe out for a second time this summer.   This time I also brought along three dogs.   I am here to tell you that it is safer to canoe in the dark than with three dogs.
 To start out with, Jasmine jumped in the canoe while I was sliding it down the bank.   This caused the paddle to fall out.   Trouble before I even got in the water!
 I couldn't convince Maggie to retrieve it for me.
 Next, Maggie decided she needed to join us in the canoe almost tipping us all over in the process.
 Finally, all three of us managed to stay upright and in the canoe.
 For some reason Maggie wanted to eat the cockle-burrs.
 Lots of strange things floating in the water.
 My tractor/canoe launching vehicle is at the top of this weedy bank.

 Maggie eating more weeds.

 Then I had visitors come and take a turn.

 I need to take the canoe out more often!

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Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.