Sunday, September 28, 2014

Stormy Sunset

Friday night a storm rolled in and then paused for about an hour before hitting hard after dark.  During the pause, the light was amazing!
These photos aren't edited.  Just straight out of the camera.  

Saturday, September 27, 2014

How to Paint the Bottom of a Duck Boat

In three easy steps...

Well, if you think these guys figured out how to paint the boat in three easy steps, you are sadly mistaken.  
They certainly get credit for being creative and using available tools and equipment, but it was anything but easy. 

All I know is one day Boyd told me that Jeff wanted to paint the bottom of his duck boat and that he would like Boyd to help him get it in a position he could paint it. 

At first I thought they were going to tip it over and rest it on the ground.  Somehow that didn't happen.  Too bad I had to leave and couldn't document the ordeal of positioning of the boat.   When I left they were taking off the motor and backing up the boat trailer.  When I came home we had an 18ft boat resting against our pine tree.  It was quite a sight!  I am really not sure what exactly took place, but it involved a bale fork with the forks removed, some chain and a come-along. 

All that happened one night.  The next night, Jeff came over to sand and prime the bottom.
 That boat sure seemed LARGE leaning against that tree.
 There was quite a bit of worrying and fretting the next day when the forecast was for heavy winds.
 But, never fear, Jeff was able to come back the third day and paint the bottom and let it dry for a day.
 I also missed the ordeal of getting the boat down because I was at work.  Why does all the fun happen when I am gone??????
 So glad everything held and the boat didn't crash to the ground!
 But, I do think I earned a trip in the boat sometime soon!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Off the Phone

Completely random and simply from the phone. 

Gilligan, who has taken to meowing outside the window around 5:30 am.  
 Not sure if it is better to have Gilligan outside the window or this frog.
 And, the fall light is BACK!  Oh yeah!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

ShopKo 9/24/14

How do you get the dog to sit on it?

Really?  What am I thinking now?

Really? Who wants to attract bears. Quick way to make your self bear pooh

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Canoe Round 2

I managed to take the canoe out for a second time this summer.   This time I also brought along three dogs.   I am here to tell you that it is safer to canoe in the dark than with three dogs.
 To start out with, Jasmine jumped in the canoe while I was sliding it down the bank.   This caused the paddle to fall out.   Trouble before I even got in the water!
 I couldn't convince Maggie to retrieve it for me.
 Next, Maggie decided she needed to join us in the canoe almost tipping us all over in the process.
 Finally, all three of us managed to stay upright and in the canoe.
 For some reason Maggie wanted to eat the cockle-burrs.
 Lots of strange things floating in the water.
 My tractor/canoe launching vehicle is at the top of this weedy bank.

 Maggie eating more weeds.

 Then I had visitors come and take a turn.

 I need to take the canoe out more often!

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.