Wednesday, June 18, 2014

One Broken Bale

 We only broke one bale.  Only one!  Do you want to know the #1 reason that bales break around here?  It isn't because the tension was off on the baler.  Nope!
It isn't because the hay was too dry.  Nope!

According to the farmer, it was because he didn't stop for lunch, he had a small breakfast and he didn't drink enough water.  Sounds like a good reason to me.  I can verify that we didn't stop for lunch!
 Well, whatever the reason.  It broke!  
 The dogs came along to help, but man it was hot!
 You can't see them very well, but even the goats came out to see what was going on.
 The plan is to chain most of the bale together and lift it on to the waiting flatbed truck.
 Still too hot for Buddy!

 And, Jasmine must have decided it was too hot for her.

 The strings that broke.

 More resting.

 Straps are added for an extra measure of stability.
And, video of the event.  So exciting!

1 comment:

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.