Sunday, June 29, 2014

More From Your Local ShopKo

Yep, more fun from the shelves at ShopKo.

The captions are taken straight from the subject line Boyd sent on the e-mail.  
Just perfect for you. So I can finally know when you are jacking me up!

Can I has this pleez?

Guess where I am?
The funny thing is, we actually own this last item.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Sunset on the Horseshoe Slough Round 1

Nice Ride

 I took my tractor down to the river the other day to swap out chairs.  The only chair down there was broken beyond use.  I hauled down a larger chair, one too heavy and awkard to carry. 
 Boyd, not wanting to be outdone, had to bring the backhoe.  Bigger, badder, better is his motto.
 Played with some simple phone edits.  I have got to start using my real camera again.  I don't think I have taken a single photo on the farm using it for more than a month. 
 The cows across the river have been allowed in the pasture closest to us now.

  To me, they are peaceful and calming to watch.
And, then this happens.

Friday, June 27, 2014

So Behind

I am so behind on so many things around here. 

What follows will be a synopsis of what has happened that I can remember.  I am not even saying it is worth blogging about...

The day we hauled hay, Boyd and I both saw a squirrel running around in the orchard.  Since we were occupied with the task at hand, it was free to roam.  It must have either taken advantage of that freedom or completely lost its' mind, because later that afternoon I saw it hanging out right outside the house at the snowball bush.  Normally, I would have let it live, but I am done paying for car repairs and finding more and more tunnels dug around this farm.  So, I told Boyd and we let the dogs out.  I do feel bad in a way, but it took two dogs, a farmer,  his pistol and a good 30 - 45 minutes to even get the squirrel. 
Boyd did manage to hit it at least once, but the snowball is one big bush and that squirrel likely made his way deep into the center for safety.  With persistence from all but me, I stayed far away from the scene of the violence until it was long over, the squirrel finally met his demise.  Buddy was the lucky one to end up dealing the final blow or death shake as was the case.  That meant two squirrel dinners in less than 10 days for him.  I DO NOT know how his digestive system can handle the bones and fur, but he eats the WHOLE thing. 

So far the record is 3 squirrel sightings and 3 dead squirrels.  I haven't seen a squirrel since either.  However, I am neither stupid nor naive, I am sure there are many more living here.  Hopefully, they are smart enough to stay hidden and busy enough other places to stop hiding their stash in our vehicles.

Boyd also irrigated hay.  He had two streams running, one on each farm.  Kept him busy for a bit. 
 The photos show him replacing the fabric on the end of the tubes.  Thrilling, live action shot!

And, the biggest mystery of all...   I came home from work one day to find this track in the carport.  What kind of creature made it?    Quite the mystery!  It is still there if anyone wants to come inspect it for yourself.  All suggestions are welcome.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


 Look who actually comes outside now that she has been shaved!   Previously, she rarely ventured out.
 Gilligan is always out cattin' about.  We are pretty sure he claims other families in the neighborhood as his.  Plus, he has lots of fields with lots of mice to cover each night.  Keeps him busy.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The River at the End of the Road

 The Bear River winds along the border of our farm for probably a mile or so.  I usually get to the river at the dog park.  Sometimes, though, when I am feeling adventurous and full of energy, I go to the river at the end of the road.
   I say that because you have to walk to the end of the farm road and then walk the length of the ditch to get to it.  It takes much more effort to walk through the plowed field for sure! 
But, the reward is worth it.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Grandma Blanche's Rock

 My Grandma Blanche had a rock that was just outside the door to her screened in porch, that porch was my favorite part of her house.  Even if the smell from the pigs across the road was the strongest out of the porch, it was still my favorite spot.  There was an old couch, lumpy and saggy, plus pots and other stuff.  Really, you just never knew what surprises you might find on the porch.  Sometimes, I even got to sleep out on the porch. 
 I always thought the rock was from an Indian grinding stone that had been found on Blue Mountain.  It wasn't really, but I liked to think it anyway.
 When my grandma passed, I got two things from her house.  The rock and a plate.  She never had matching plates or silverware.  I loved choosing a plate from her many patterns. 
 The rock went from my condo, to my Willard house and now it lives in the herb garden.  Lately, it has been serving as a water dish for the dogs. Definitely an unlikely treasure, but a treasure nonetheless.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Here's something you don't see everyday.  Well, unless you are me or you have your own goats that is.

Yep, so exciting.  A video of a goat licking a salt block.

Hey, at least it isn't my alien cat, right mom?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

One Broken Bale

 We only broke one bale.  Only one!  Do you want to know the #1 reason that bales break around here?  It isn't because the tension was off on the baler.  Nope!
It isn't because the hay was too dry.  Nope!

According to the farmer, it was because he didn't stop for lunch, he had a small breakfast and he didn't drink enough water.  Sounds like a good reason to me.  I can verify that we didn't stop for lunch!
 Well, whatever the reason.  It broke!  
 The dogs came along to help, but man it was hot!
 You can't see them very well, but even the goats came out to see what was going on.
 The plan is to chain most of the bale together and lift it on to the waiting flatbed truck.
 Still too hot for Buddy!

 And, Jasmine must have decided it was too hot for her.

 The strings that broke.

 More resting.

 Straps are added for an extra measure of stability.
And, video of the event.  So exciting!

Sheep 2024

 Quite a few months late, didn't even look at them, just whatever I shot in October.